
I believe in the healing and therapeutic value of massage therapy and holistic treatments as part of a wellness routine to help alleviate stress, anxiety and pain. 

After graduating at the top of my class from the Academy of Massage and Bodywork in Delaware in 2021, I became a Licensed Massage Therapist in Delaware and Pennsylvania.  I love what I do and strive to take great care of my clients, with the intent to provide the healing and stress relief that we all need.  I am constantly increasing my knowledge through additional educational courses and look forward to sharing the benefit of holistic healing through service to my clients.

I discovered the benefits of massage therapy many years ago when my working life consisted of a very fast paced, stressful and non-forgiving corporate environment.   I was a delivery driver and eventually a manager for a very large package delivery company and spent many days climbing in and out of a truck, sometimes over a hundred times a day.  Heavy lifting, bending, stretching and a “productivity” driven lifestyle was a typical day.  Sometimes those days lasted 12-14 hours so I am no stranger to hard work and stress. I also spent most of my life involved in some sort of sport or physical activity, (running, softball, aerobic activity and weight training) so I also understand muscle fatigue, pain and injury.

I believe that integrating Massage Therapy as part of my health routine for so many years has allowed me to manage and alleviate much of the stress I put on my body and mind throughout my life.

I am excited to bring Purple Moon Wellness to life and provide a place where my clients can look forward to a tranquil and relaxing environment.  My main goal is to share the positive experience and healing properties that I have come to know personally through Massage Therapy.

Working with my clients to create an individualized experience is a priority and I look forward to being part of your journey toward maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle.